22 Dear mum, how beautiful you look, how young and agile you are, how low you went to make me high Thank you for giving up all for me to get up I love you, mum 23 Your love for me made you sacrifice a lot for me Your time, your age, your strength, your life You let go all these things go, that I will have double of them Thank You Mom, For Never Giving Up on Me, by Brittany Sherfield March 11, He stole from his birth mother, I am adoptive father for ten years, his dad died when he was young His continuous addictions, in and out of jail then sober for maybe two weeks, then back at it He stole tens of thousands of dollars in a very short Here are three poems for birth morhers that I have come across on my adoption journey that really speak to me as a birth mother The Giving Tree, by Shel Silverstein Although this poem is not about adoption specifically, it describes the selfless love the giving tree has for the little boy "And she loved the little boy very, very much Thank you mom f...